


发布 2017年12月5日 在凌晨0点


12月. 4, 2017 
联系人:Jennifer Whittaker


杰基尔岛,乔治亚州. -约1,来自全州各地的500名乔治亚州农民和农业企业领导人12月11日在杰基尔岛会面. 3-5人参加该组织的第80届年会. The three-day event included a trade show and educational sessions that gave farmers updates on policy and production issues impacting Georgia’s major commodities. 在12月10日的全体会议期间. 4、大会与会者听取了州长的意见. 内森·迪尔,美国.S. 代表. 巴迪·卡特和乔治亚州农业专员加里·布莱克.


GFB会长龙概述了启发、教育的愿景 & 保护乔治亚州农业

在向亚洲体育博彩平台成员发表年度讲话时, GFB President Gerald 长说 three of the organization’s top legislative priorities are obtaining a viable farm bill that strengthens the food security of the United States, defending farm water rights and protecting the rights of farmers and landowners from excessive government regulations.

“80多年来,乔治亚农场局一直是乔治亚农民的代言人. 解决农业问题是农业局的基本宗旨。. “一项新的2018年农业法案正在制定中, 农民必须团结一致,才能发挥影响力. Farmers’ rights to use water will continue to be an issue in Georgia as the United States Supreme Court will hear a case about water early next year that could have long-term impacts. 亚洲体育博彩平台支持私有产权, and we will work to reign in government agencies that overreach into the rights of farmers and landowners.”

Long also outlined his vision for 乔治亚州农场局 through the year 2020 to  inspire and educate today’s farmers, 青年和消费者保护和促进未来的农业.

“We will achieve our vision to inspire by increasing our educational outreach through investment in grants for agricultural research, which is one of the keys to Georgia’s agricultural success and educating students and consumers about agriculture,朗说. “我们将通过参与和培养当地志愿者领袖来实现我们的教育愿景. We will achieve our vision to preserve by connecting and collaborating with our ag partners who share our vision.” 

GFB plans to increase its efforts to promote ag literacy in schools and educate consumers about the importance of agriculture, 作为其愿景激励的一部分, 长说.

作为组织努力参与和发展当地领导人的一部分, Long announced GFB plans to add additional programs for its farmer members in the 36 to 50-year age range to keep members engaged in the organization as they age out of the Young Farmer program aimed at members 18 to 35 years old.

“我们不会减少对青年农民项目的承诺, 但我们希望留住那些我们努力培养出来的领导者,朗说.


政府. Deal讨论了加强格鲁吉亚农村的努力

奥巴马州长已经连续第八年当选. Nathan Deal showed his appreciation for Georgia farmers by speaking at 乔治亚州农场局’s annual convention.

“As a Farm Bureau member, I appreciate the good work that this organization does,Deal说. “Whenever possible you give young people the opportunity to explore the rural lifestyle and this is important.”

政府. Deal outlined the many projects the state of Georgia has funded during his administration to strengthen rural Georgia and agriculture. Deal said the state has allocated an additional $9 million above what the state usually allocates for the UGA Cooperative Extension Service, 佐治亚大学农业实验站 & 2018会计年度动物医学实验站.         

“We understand that these are the kinds of investments that allow people to have access to the most current information possible,Deal说.                                   

自迪尔2011年就任州长以来, Georgia has invested more than $100 million to ensure students in rural Georgia have access to high speed internet. 一个格鲁吉亚当局, 哪个机构向农村社区提供赠款, has awarded about $100 million to fund rural economic projects that have helped retain or create 25,乔治亚州农村地区的575个工作岗位.

“Eighty percent of the international economic development projects that have come to Georgia were outside Metro Atlanta,Deal说. “它们可能与农业没有直接关系, 但他们确实为佐治亚州农村地区提供了就业机会,并允许人们留在佐治亚州农村地区.”

Deal pointed out that since 2013 Site Selection Magazine has named Georgia the best state in the nation in which to do business.

迪尔说:“农业综合企业正在尽自己的一份力量,让我们保持第一的地位。. “农业综合企业贡献了超过74美元.为格鲁吉亚经济贡献了90亿美元.”


代表. 卡特向华盛顿汇报最新情况

U.S. 代表. 巴迪·卡特(R-Dist.1) welcomed 乔治亚州农场局 members to his district and provided updates on key ag issues in the district, 包括萨凡纳港扩建项目(SHEP)和税收立法. 

卡特说,SHEP大约完成了33%, and he anticipated that the federal government will continue to provide funding for the project, 这将使萨凡纳港能够处理更大的货船, 提高农产品出口的成本效益. 卡特说,这个港口是世界上增长第三快的港口.

“We need about $100 million every year for the next five years to get that project finished, and we have a commitment from the president and from the Office of Management and Budget that they will do that,卡特说.

卡特说 a conference committee to resolve differences between House and Senate tax reform bills would be appointed by the end of the week.

“现在,税法的篇幅是圣经的两倍,”卡特说. 不幸的是,与《亚洲体育博彩平台》不同的是,税法中没有什么好消息. 我们试着把好消息放进去. 我们需要税制改革. 我们从1986年开始进行税制改革.”

两项法案的不同点之一是如何处理遗产税. 众议院的法案, 卡特说, 最终会取消遗产税吗, which poses significant financial challenges for farm families when the time comes to transfer farm assets from one generation to the next. 



Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black discussed the Georgia Agricultural Tax Exemption (GATE) and a list of things the Georgia Department of Agriculture should pursue in coming years.

GATE项目允许农民免除农具等商品的销售税, 他们种植庄稼所需的种子和肥料.

Black said there is a possibility the GATE program could transition from the current annual renewal to a three-year renewal with an increase in fees as a deterrent for individuals who would abuse the program.

 “我很满意我们有一个健全的计划. 我对我们的管理是健全的感到满意。.  “我们可能还可以做一些额外的改进.”

布莱克概述了他所谓的“农业让生活更美好”议程, 其中包括让农业部的工作对员工更有吸引力, 使格鲁吉亚成为当地食品系统蓬勃发展的地方, 帮助乔治亚州公民创业并保持下去, 做好应对自然灾害的准备, 确保本州动物的健康和照料, enhancing domestic and international marketing of farm products and attracting Georgia’s youth with careers in agriculture, 林业, 食品加工及相关领域. 


成立于1937年, the 乔治亚州农场局 Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization with 158 county chapters. 作为一个亚洲体育博彩平台驱动, 非政府组织, GFB serves as the voice of Georgia farmers and rural Georgia by advocating for them on legislative issues and promoting Georgia commodities. 它的志愿者成员积极参加提高农业意识的活动.

GFB亚洲体育博彩平台资格向公众开放,并提供各种各样的福利, 包括亚洲体育博彩平台和医疗服务折扣, 旅游和家庭娱乐. 参加任何亚洲体育博彩平台福利都是可选的,而不是成为亚洲体育博彩平台的必要条件. 如果您想了解更多有关农业的信息,请访问,就像 乔治亚农场局的脸书 或遵循 GFB在推特上.



政府. 交易来说 ——政府. Nathan Deal spoke at the 80th Annual 乔治亚州农场局 Convention on Jekyll Island on 12月. 4. (图片由乔治亚州农场局提供)

GFB主席Gerald long讲话 ——在亚洲体育博彩平台第80届大会上发表年度演讲时, GFB President Gerald Long outlined his vision for the organization to inspire and educate consumers about Georgia agriculture while preserving it for the economic health of rural Georgia and consumers statewide. (图片由乔治亚州农场局提供)

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